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Forest Fire Smoke in Montreal, short and long-term effects

Forest fires have been prominent all around Quebec and are now affecting Montreal with a severe smog warning that can impact us all in the short and long term.

Short Term Effects

For the next couple of days, it will be hard to breathe in the city of Montreal and surrounding areas. Events and flights will be cancelled or Delayed; call or email if your event or air travel is still happening. People are already reporting irritations in their eyes and throat, and others have headaches, lack of energy, and continuous coughing. Pregnant women, kids, and people with heart and lung diseases are affected the worst, be sure to check up on anyone you are concerned about. A simple support phone call lets people know you are ready to help and shows you care.

Long Term Effects

Long-term studies show that exposure to harsh environments for prolonged periods can increase the chances of many different long-term illnesses. Life insurance can mitigate the risk of your family or loved ones going through hard times if you are not around to support them. Use this Free Online Life Insurance Calculator to see if life insurance is the right option for you.

How to check air quality

You can always use online air quality checkers, which can be misleading. The best thing to use is your senses; if you cannot see well because of smoke, your eyes begin to irritate, if you smell a constant strong odour, or you start to have a headache, then you are probably compromised and should seek shelter with clean air.

What should you do

Try to stay indoors as much as possible and avoid strenuous exercise. Only use your air conditioner if there is a filter. If you need fresher air, go to indoor spaces where businesses keep well-ventilated rooms; cinemas, malls, casinos, and even cafes, you will immediately see and feel the difference in the air quality.

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